On 15th August 2021, The morning began with the hoisting of the Indian National Flag by the co-founder of ISCI Foundation Smt Sweta Ji. It was followed by the singing of the National Anthem. Co-founder Mohit Modi told the girls about the importance of Independence. Children took part in various cultural programs and they gave very beautiful performances. They took part in dance, singing, and recited a very nice poem and speech. The children were trained by Shri Alok Ji for the same.
A quiz was also organized on the patriotic theme for children and they were divided into three teams led by the volunteers of the foundation, Team Mahak Singhal, Team Urvashi, and Team Aditi Singhal. Team Aditi Singhal won the competition and all the participants were awarded gifts. The founder of Balika Grah, Mrs. Jyotsina Ji motivated students for their future. In the end, Sweta Ji provided a vote of thanks and conveyed a meaningful message that instead of complaining about social evils and corrupt practices, we should work hard to improve the system. The children were then provided with chocolates, potato chips, motichoor laddoo, and samosas.
This event was organized in association with Shri. Shaleen Ji, Project Director, Women and Child Development, Gwalior. The staff of Balika Grah, Sanju Ji, and Kamni Ji did a lot of efforts in making the event successful.